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By The Myo Collective & Stretchy Minds

Group Classes

All classes have a strong focus on safe structural alignment for individual bodies; building mind-muscle connection; increasing strength, stability, and mobility; and improving stamina in a safe and supported way. Our series of yoga, pilates, and rehab classes have been specially developed by clinicians and senior instructors with an in-depth understanding of anatomy, the mind, and the nervous system, and how these complex human systems interact to influence mobility, wellbeing, and participation in daily life.


Mat Pilates

Small group mat Pilates classes with a strong focus on technique, control and strength. Using the core Pilates principles, our full body classes are low-impact and designed to teach you control in movement. Suitable for all these classes are modified to accommodate individual needs. 


Yoga Strong

A powerful and playful addition to your yoga practice. This class incorporates traditional yoga pranayama (breath) and poses with a little extra heat. Explore movement, improve your strength, balance and mobility. Be prepared to break a sweat!


Yoga Still

Nourish your body and mind as you are guided through a restorative flow and gently led into stillness. This class incorporates traditional pranayama (breath), yoga postures, and guided meditation. Improve mind-muscle connection, improve mobility, improve vagal tone.


Yoga Allign

Refine your yoga practice in this very special class that emphasises technique, stability, and safe structural alignment for your body. Each Align class is part of a themed series and builds towards a peak posture/position. This is where theory and practice align to give you a greater understanding of your body and how you move.


Yoga Flow

Find your flow. This vinyasa-based class incorporates all the best elements of our Strong, Still and Align classes. It is a chance for yogis to put all of the puzzle pieces together and experience true mind-body-breath synchrony. Expect traditional pranayama (breath), intelligently sequenced yoga postures, and guided meditation.
















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Yoga Class
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© 2024 by the MYO collective.

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